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You Deserve To Feel Your Best

Therapeutic ketamine infusions have been shown
to provide rapid and lasting relief for depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
If you're ready take control of your mental health,
we will be with you every step of the way.

Person on a mountain looking out

What is ketamine therapy?

Ketamine therapy is a safe and effective treatment that delivers small, controlled doses of ketamine, a well-known and widely-used anesthetic, to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD by stimulating neurons and repairing connections in the brain.

Step 1: Consultation

We work with patients who have not had relief from at least two antidepressants and have been referred by a mental health professional. We will review your history and consult with your care team.

Step 2: Begin treatment

For those who meet criteria and want to move forward, we'll prepare for an in-office visit and begin a series of six 40-minute infusions over 2-3 weeks. Each treatment requires approximately 2 hours from arrival to discharge.

Step 3: Monitor & maintenance

Over 85% of patients experience rapid relief from depression after receiving ketamine. We collaborate with each patient’s mental health team to create an integration plan that will continue the healing process. We monitor symptoms over the coming weeks and offer booster sessions every 1-3 months to maintain the improvements in your well-being.

OC Ketamine Therapy is the premier ketamine infusion center in Orange County

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Customized treatment by board-certified physician with extensive ketamine therapy experience.
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High rate of success reducing or eliminating severe depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and post-traumatic stress.
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Welcoming and comfortable environment in Orange County, with a strong emphasis on compassionate patient care and empowered support.
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How we're unique

A ketamine practice like no other.
Person smiling


Our clinic is evidence-based, meaning that we use the most current and high-quality research to ensure that our patients receive the best effective treatment for their depression, anxiety, and PTSD.


Our clinic is patient-centered, meaning that we prioritize the needs and well-being of our patients by creating personalized treatment plans for the unique needs of each patient and supporting them without judgement on their way to healing.
of people who start treatment feel better.

Support groups

Our clinic offers extra support for patients, including workshops and educational activities for patients and their loved ones. Our peer groups provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to share their experiences, connect with others, and receive emotional support.
happy customers
Person on mountain
“Dr. Seif was kind, thorough and made me feel like I was in 'safe' hands. She was present and supportive before, through the treatment sessions, immediately following, and as an available resource to talk to as an open door. I highly recommend Dr. Seif for this progressive treatment protocol.”
Male executive, 50s

Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We have answers.

Is ketamine safe?

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Ketamine is an FDA-approved anesthetic that has been widely used since the 1960s and has shown to be safe in adults and children.

Is ketamine addictive?

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While it has earned a reputation for being a street drug, ketamine does not have addictive properties and is overwhelmingly safe when administered in therapeutic doses under the supervision of a physician.

How will ketamine make me feel?

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Ketamine creates a dreamlike sensation of disconnecting the body and mind without reducing consciousness. Patients report a deep state of relaxation which may feel like floating. Many experience empathy for oneself and others as wel as clarity to see beyond traumatic events or destructive thought patterns.

How does ketamine work?

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Ketamine targets neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain that regulate mood. Ketamine has been shown to stimulate repair cascades, restoring neural connections known as synapses and improving communication between them. While most antidepressants can take weeks to have an effect on mood, ketamine works rapidly and effects are long-lasting. Patients often experience a shift in negative thought patterns and gain valuable insight that can be integrated into their everyday life to sustain an improved quality of life.
silhouette of person on a mountain with the sunset
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“I don't know why I waited so long to do this. I feel like I am myself again.”
Female professional, 40s

Can Ketamine Help Me?